Friday, February 24, 2012

Here's Hoping.....

Easton has his ear recheck this afternoon. I hope they have both cleared up. However, I wouldn't be shocked if she said they aren't. If they are, I think we might start sleep training. He's getting up way more then he needs to be getting up. I think he needs to go to bed awake and learn to put himself to sleep. Right now he nurses to sleep, And I really don't mind, I actually kind of like it, but I think him falling asleep on his own may help him during the night. And, I would like for him to get up once during the night because I like rocking him in the silent dark. I don't know if I'll find a happy medium here. But I can hope.

The boys had their first dental appointments last night. They were far beyond due, I'm well aware. But, better late then never. The dentist suggested we take Omar to a strictly pediatric dentist because of the future needs he'll have. And because of the Goldenhar Syndrome, they might have more experience with that. They both did really well, and thought it was pretty cool. They each got a coupon for a kids pack at Subway, so they were treated there for dinner.

On the way home I was once again reminded that I live in a houseful of boys, and for years to come I will have to listen to "boy talk". Nolan said to Omar, "Omar, what if they had penis dentists?" This was followed by bursts of uncontrollable laughter. Then, "What if they had a butt dentist?" More laughter. Times like this I wonder what it would be like to listen to stories about pretty pink princesses.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Caterpillars in February!?!?

A while ago I stopped listening to KDWB while in the truck with the boys. Some of the music they play I know isnt meant for little ears. We listen to country music which is what they prefer anyway. But, on Friday while walking from the bus stop Omar is singing, "I'm sexy and I know it". I guess my turning the station in the truck defeats the whole purpose if they listen to it on the bus!!!!

Easton finished his antibiotics, and I'm already thinking that his ears aren't cleared up. I may have to change his follow up to this Friday. Honestly, I don't know that he can make it til the 9th. We'll see what the next couple days bring.

Auntie Amy and Uncle Harlan took the boys to see Star Wars in 3D on Saturday morning. While they were there, Nick and I took Easton out to lunch at Ruby Tuesdays. It was Eastons first restaurant experience and he did great! I can't believe we haven't been out to eat since he was born. It was SO nice to have a nice relaxing dinner with Nick and be able to talk to each other!!!

Omar came running in the house yesterday afternoon all excited. They had found a caterpillar!!! In February. Wierd. They made a little house for it in an old bucket and it slept in their room and went to grandmas house with them today. I'm surprised they haven't given it a name.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Finally some rest.

At our visit to the doctor on Tuesday, she said that his right ear looks better then it did on Friday, but the left one  was still filled with fluid. Rather then prescribing a new antibiotic, she wanted to finish the one he's on and then get rechecked. I asked for a numbing drop that both my sister in laws told me about. She gave him a prescription for that. He was able to sleep quite a bit better that night. And seemed to be better yesterday. Now I'm just hoping both ears are clear on March 9th at his follow up.

Onto good news about Little E, he's crawling!!!!! Up on all 4s. I forgot how cute a little crawling baby is. Nick told me I won't think it's that cute in a few days when he's into everything, and he's probably right, but for now I just smile and giggle at him.

We had a FABULOUS valentines dinner on Tuesday. Unfortunately, Nolan didn't feel well. And I knew it was bad when he didn't want any dessert. Chocolate and strawberries!?!?! He must have been sick. I think Omar ate enough for all of us though.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Heart Day!!!

Nick and I spent last night passing Easton back and forth trying to get him calm and comfortable enough to sleep. Most of our attempts failed miserably. He was diagnosed with a double ear infection, AGAIN, on Friday. The doctor prescribed the same drugs he was on last time. Which was only 3 weeks ago. She then scheduled us to go back in 3 weeks for a recheck to make sure they’ve cleared up. If not, we will have to see an ENT doctor. Anyway, back to last night, it was day 4 of antibiotics so they should have kicked in by now. But clearly they have not. He spent the night crying and screaming and tugging on his ears. We got him calmed when Nick had to idea to put ear muffs on him. He at least settled for about 15 minutes or so. We couldn’t even calm him enough to give him Tylenol. I tried once, it only caused him to throw it all back up. He finally fell asleep at about 2:45 this morning. My alarm went off at 4:00.

I called and spoke with a nurse and she agreed that he should be seen again by the dr. So back we go again this afternoon, another $45 copay, and more missed work. Aaahhh…..the joys. But, there isn’t anything I wouldn’t do to help him feel better!!

Omar had his friend Joe over to play for a while last night. Nolan was SO excited that he got to join in. 3 little boy running around downstairs having a nerf war is pretty fun. Nick said, this age of having friends over to play, and going over to their friends house came way too fast! I agree. My little babies have grown so much.

I left them each a little valentine pile of goodies this morning. Nolan was thrilled with his star wars M&M treat and heart balloons. I also made them some scratch off tickets. I think they’ll get a kick out of those. Our plans for the evening are to make homemade pasta and alfredo sauce with lobster. And for dessert, chocolate fondue! They don’t know about the dessert. I think they’ll be pretty excited. I have banana’s, strawberries, mango, marshmallows, graham crackers, and pound cake. I pray that Easton feels ok to be patient while we make pasta.

Happy Valentines Day!!!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Soooo tired.

I'm so tired today I can hardly keep my eyes open. Easton didn't sleep well last night. My gut is telling me it may be another ear infection. He has an appt. tomorrow to get his 6 month immunizations, so i'll ask for someone to check his ears too. I really pray its just his teeth that are bothering him, but like I said, my mommy gut tells me different.

His two top teeth are going to break thru any day!!!

While sitting at my desk today, I broke out into laughter several times thinking of the bedtime routine last night. The boys were just bouncing off the walls. I was trying to settle them down, and after kissing them goodnight they started giggling. I tried telling them to settle down and it was bedtime, but their deep belly laughs only caused me to start laughing right along with them. It got to the point where I don't think they even knew what they were laughing about. It felt good.  A good hard laugh with them is a mood booster for sure.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Omar has been spending most after school days down at his friend Joe’s house. He lives right down the block which is great. Plus, the weather has been so nice they’ve been playing football outside till dark. Of course, Omar being gone means that Nolan is without a playmate. And I feel really bad for the little guy. We try to explain to him that next year he’ll make new friends that live around here. It doesn’t seem to make it any easier, and I can’t blame him. Luckily, yesterday was Tuesday, which meant that the neighbor’s grandson Wyatt was over. So they were all outside playing hunting until dinnertime. Then after dinner they were in the house playing DS until I told Wyatt it was time to go back to his grandmas so the boys could get ready for bed.

Easton is all over the place. He’s resorted to strictly the army crawl. And boy can he army crawl fast! The stairway gate has now become a “permanent” fixture in the house. His favorite thing to get into is Winston’s food and water dish. I think we may need to move them from the kitchen to the entryway.

Easton turned 7 MONTHS OLD on Saturday. I can’t believe it. Time just keeps going faster and faster.

After I got the big boys all tucked into bed last night, I was going to snuggle Easton while I watched my trashy TV. But, I found him lying in bed with daddy sound asleep. So, I took advantage and took a long hot shower instead. After that I started a new crochet project. 

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Grandpa Willy Time!

Grandma Barb is off on her vacation! This means Nolan and Easton are with grandpa Willy for the next 8 work days!!! I’m really thankful that he was willing to watch them so I didn’t have to use unpaid time off!!! Hopefully they don’t drive him too crazy.

I think by the time Grandma gets back Easton should be crawling all over the place. He’s SOOOO close. He’s got the army crawl down pat. Put a piece of paper just out of reach and he get’s to it in no time! He loves paper, or anything that makes noise like crumpled paper. And he’ll let you know how upset he is when you take it away!

He gags on both peas and green beans. But anything orange he loves. Peaches seem to be his new favorite.

Nolan always leads a pretty interesting conversation on our way home. Yesterdays was nothing different.

N – “Mom, guess what?”
Me – “What?”
N – “I wish I lived by myself.”
Me – “Really? Who would do your laundry and cook your dinner, and tuck you in at night?”
N – “Well, I would just eat grass. Cause when you live by yourself that’s what you eat.”

Omar brought home a math quiz yesterday. Every answer he got correct. I said, wow Omar you did a really good job. His response, “It was SO easy, easy peasy chicken squeezy.”

I’ve been crocheting up a storm. I’ve made Easton a couple hats, and am working on another one now. The boys want a Mohawk hat, so I’ll try that next.