Wednesday, April 18, 2012

I'm a baseball mom!

I guess I’m officially a baseball mom! Omar did great at his first practice and he said he loved it. He can’t wait for the next one on Thursday night. I met a couple new mom’s, chatted with a friend who’s son is on the team, and ran into another mom I met at  the Sears Portrait Studio when I had Easton’s 3 month pictures taken. Small world!

We didn’t get home till about 7:30 and hadn’t eaten dinner. So I just make mac n cheese and fish sticks. We went thru a box of fish, and 2 boxes of macaroni, along with grapes and pineapple. And they would have easily eaten more fish. Yikes, we’re in trouble. And Easton isn’t eating all of that yet!! I used to get away with cooking 1 lb. of turkey burger for tacos, but I can’t get away with that anymore either. We'll need to start using our Costco membership more often!!! 

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

April 17th.

Easton got his tubes put in last Monday. The surgery went great. We were in and out of the hospital in just under 1 hour. He seems to be doing well. He must feel better because he’s sleeping much better at night.

Nolan is still crazy about Justin Bieber. The “Easter Bunny” brought him a CD for Easter. He was SO excited about it. And I guess it was worth seeing the smile on his face, but let me just say, I’m sick of listening to Justin Bieber. Plus, he only wants to listen to the first song on the CD. Over and over and over and over………….

Omar starts baseball tonight. So for the next several months we’ll be at the baseball field every Tuesday and Thursday nights. He is very excited because a couple of kids from his class are on his team. I hope he enjoys it. Honestly, I’m a little concerned. Although, he did much better at soccer then I expected him to, so baseball might bring the same surprise. I hope.

I was so proud of myself on Sunday afternoon because I came up with something different for Omar’s lunch. Skewers of ham, pineapple, cheese, and black olives. I knew he’d love it, and it was something other then a sandwich. So when he got home from school I excitedly asked him how his lunch was. His eyes lit up and he said, “Good!” I felt so proud and asked him if he loved it. He said that yeah, he had pizza because he forgot his lunch. Hopefully he remembered it today. And I hope he loves it! ; )

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Bitten by the Crochet Bug

I’ve been bitten by the crochet bug, hard. I found a pattern for the cutest handbag online. My head is flooded with ideas for it. I tried to start it last night, but I think sleep deprivation had taken it’s toll on me, and my fingers weren’t cooperating with me. I’ll try again tonight…..maybe.

Omar had his Arts & Academics Expo last week. What a great night that is. I love going to look at all the neat things the kids come up with. And Omar was SO proud. As well he should be, he did a great job.

Nolan’s love of Justin Bieber is in full force. He’s constantly singing, “baby baby baby”. He was watching the music video last night, so now’s he added dancing along with the singing. Nick told him the other night to stop singing, but I said I don’t think he even knows he’s doing it. It just comes out without thinking. I spoke to him on the phone a little while ago and asked if he was singing for grandma. He said grandma told him to stop singing too. I think he needs to learn a new song.

We had an appointment with the ENT Doctor on Monday. She scheduled Easton’s ear tube surgery for Monday the 9th. I pray that this will give him some pain relief! His last round of anti-biotics were taken last Friday. When I asked the dr. on Monday how his ears looked, she said they looked ok. But…….I really do NOT have a good feeling. The past 2 nights have been pretty bad. And last night he rubbed his ear so hard, and screamed for about an hour before I finally calmed him down to fall asleep. I’m not sure if I bring him in, or just wait it out until the 9th? I guess we’ll see what tonight brings and go from there. 

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Infection #4

I brought Easton back to the Dr. on Friday afternoon in fear of another ear infection. I was right. Both ears are infected again! Poor baby. He has an appointment with an ENT doctor in two weeks to talk about tubes. I've realized now why we haven't gotten into a good sleep pattern. Just when we seem to get to one, he develops another infection. He has about 1 good week between infections. This has been going on for almost 3 months now. So, I pray for some sort of resolution. And he HATES the medicine they prescribe. It's torture every night getting him to take it. I tried sneaking it into a spoon of food the other night. He figured that out and then refused to eat anything else. If only I could explain that it's helping him feel better.

Omar is on spring break from school this week. What a beautiful week to be off. I wish I could be off work too and enjoy the weather with him.  We did take a couple long walks this weekend.  We reminisced about our walks this summer while I was still pregnant. Nolan said, "Yeah mom, when you were still pregnant you had a big fat belly, and after you weren't pregnant anymore you just had a little fat belly."  And Omar said, "and you walked so slow!!" I have to say, it's much more fun pushing the baby in the stroller! He loved it as well.

I've signed Omar up for baseball this summer. Nolan says he doesn't want to play t-ball, he wants to play big kid baseball. Unfortunately, he's not old enough. I'm going to sign him up anyway. I know he'll have fun once he's there. Then it will be one crazy summer. We will be at a baseball field Monday thru Thursday nights for about a month and a half.  And of course summer is Nick's busy time at work. Oh well, they'll have fun!

Omar had a really loose tooth. The boys told me that when they were supposed to be going to bed the other night, they tied a string to his tooth and something else and were trying to yank it out! They were laughing so hard they could barely talk. He pulled his tooth out yesterday morning.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Days Like This.

I really hate days like this, being a working mom and having a sick kid. Instead of taking the day to just relax and make him feel better, I also stress out about not being at work. Why should I feel guilty about staying home to take care of a sick boy?
My day started off ok. I got up at 4:30 with Easton. After I fed him I got rady myself. As I was fixing my hair Nolan came in and said he threw up in bed. Ok.I get that cleaned up. He says he feels fine, gets a drink, and is acting normal. So I think, ok it was a fluke. Then he pees his pants. I should have known something was wrong at this point, but I think I was trying to convince myself that I was going to work. We were just about to grandmas house when he threw up again. So, back home we came. And the vomiting continues. Poor guy.

Easton is standing against everything. I think we will have a very early walker. He turns as he's standing and tries to take a step.

I will acomplish all the laundry today!!!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Here's Hoping.....

Easton has his ear recheck this afternoon. I hope they have both cleared up. However, I wouldn't be shocked if she said they aren't. If they are, I think we might start sleep training. He's getting up way more then he needs to be getting up. I think he needs to go to bed awake and learn to put himself to sleep. Right now he nurses to sleep, And I really don't mind, I actually kind of like it, but I think him falling asleep on his own may help him during the night. And, I would like for him to get up once during the night because I like rocking him in the silent dark. I don't know if I'll find a happy medium here. But I can hope.

The boys had their first dental appointments last night. They were far beyond due, I'm well aware. But, better late then never. The dentist suggested we take Omar to a strictly pediatric dentist because of the future needs he'll have. And because of the Goldenhar Syndrome, they might have more experience with that. They both did really well, and thought it was pretty cool. They each got a coupon for a kids pack at Subway, so they were treated there for dinner.

On the way home I was once again reminded that I live in a houseful of boys, and for years to come I will have to listen to "boy talk". Nolan said to Omar, "Omar, what if they had penis dentists?" This was followed by bursts of uncontrollable laughter. Then, "What if they had a butt dentist?" More laughter. Times like this I wonder what it would be like to listen to stories about pretty pink princesses.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Caterpillars in February!?!?

A while ago I stopped listening to KDWB while in the truck with the boys. Some of the music they play I know isnt meant for little ears. We listen to country music which is what they prefer anyway. But, on Friday while walking from the bus stop Omar is singing, "I'm sexy and I know it". I guess my turning the station in the truck defeats the whole purpose if they listen to it on the bus!!!!

Easton finished his antibiotics, and I'm already thinking that his ears aren't cleared up. I may have to change his follow up to this Friday. Honestly, I don't know that he can make it til the 9th. We'll see what the next couple days bring.

Auntie Amy and Uncle Harlan took the boys to see Star Wars in 3D on Saturday morning. While they were there, Nick and I took Easton out to lunch at Ruby Tuesdays. It was Eastons first restaurant experience and he did great! I can't believe we haven't been out to eat since he was born. It was SO nice to have a nice relaxing dinner with Nick and be able to talk to each other!!!

Omar came running in the house yesterday afternoon all excited. They had found a caterpillar!!! In February. Wierd. They made a little house for it in an old bucket and it slept in their room and went to grandmas house with them today. I'm surprised they haven't given it a name.