Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Infection #4

I brought Easton back to the Dr. on Friday afternoon in fear of another ear infection. I was right. Both ears are infected again! Poor baby. He has an appointment with an ENT doctor in two weeks to talk about tubes. I've realized now why we haven't gotten into a good sleep pattern. Just when we seem to get to one, he develops another infection. He has about 1 good week between infections. This has been going on for almost 3 months now. So, I pray for some sort of resolution. And he HATES the medicine they prescribe. It's torture every night getting him to take it. I tried sneaking it into a spoon of food the other night. He figured that out and then refused to eat anything else. If only I could explain that it's helping him feel better.

Omar is on spring break from school this week. What a beautiful week to be off. I wish I could be off work too and enjoy the weather with him.  We did take a couple long walks this weekend.  We reminisced about our walks this summer while I was still pregnant. Nolan said, "Yeah mom, when you were still pregnant you had a big fat belly, and after you weren't pregnant anymore you just had a little fat belly."  And Omar said, "and you walked so slow!!" I have to say, it's much more fun pushing the baby in the stroller! He loved it as well.

I've signed Omar up for baseball this summer. Nolan says he doesn't want to play t-ball, he wants to play big kid baseball. Unfortunately, he's not old enough. I'm going to sign him up anyway. I know he'll have fun once he's there. Then it will be one crazy summer. We will be at a baseball field Monday thru Thursday nights for about a month and a half.  And of course summer is Nick's busy time at work. Oh well, they'll have fun!

Omar had a really loose tooth. The boys told me that when they were supposed to be going to bed the other night, they tied a string to his tooth and something else and were trying to yank it out! They were laughing so hard they could barely talk. He pulled his tooth out yesterday morning.

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